Accelerator — Our Life Across Parallel Universe

You may be surprised to know that your memory of the Queen saying “Mirror mirror” is wrong. She no longer casts a giant spell calling the Slave in the Mirror to her by saying “Mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all?” Instead she now says “Magic mirror on the wall- who is the fairest one of all?”
If you remember her saying “Mirror mirror” and so far that seems to be roughly 90% of people you’re currently experiencing the Mandela Effect.
The Mandela Effect is the difference between recalled memory for groups of people and recorded history.
But are these memories false or are we living across parallel universes . If the later is correct , can parallel universes be used to source the future of Innovations and Bring them in the now through an “ACCELERATOR” …. Read on …………

How StartUp Accelerator “ACCELERO” helps create the “MANDELA EFFECT” to source “INNOVATIONS from future in the NOW ” supported by disruptive Group Memes that merge across Physical and Digital Worlds creating a new World Time Line!!!

Would you trust a memory that felt as real as all your other memories, and if other people confirmed that they remembered it too? What if the memory turned out to be false? This scenario was named the ‘Mandela effect’ by the self-described ‘paranormal consultant’ Fiona Broome after she discovered that other people shared her (false) memory of the South African civil rights leader Nelson Mandela dying in prison in the 1980s.

Is a shared false memory really due to a so-called ‘glitch in the matrix’, or is there some other explanation for what’s happening? Broome attributes the disparity to the many-worlds or ‘multiverse’ interpretation of quantum mechanics.

When not directly observed, electrons and other subatomic particles diffract like waves, only to behave like particles when a measurement is made. Essentially, it’s as if these particles exist in multiple places simultaneously until directly observed. The Nobel Prize-winning physicist Erwin Schrödinger explained this strange concept with the ‘Schrödinger’s cat’ thought experiment in 1935. If a cat were placed in a box with a radioactive-decay-detector rigged to break a flask of poison when activated, a decaying particle existing as a wave would yield two simultaneous macroscale realities – one where the cat is alive and one where the cat is dead. Although, upon observation, one could see that the cat is either dead or alive, some quantum physicists such as the late Hugh Everett III – who first proposed the many-worlds interpretation in 1957 – have speculated that both realities exist … but in separate, parallel universes.

It’s important to keep in mind that the many-worlds interpretation was developed to explain the results of physics experiments and not the Mandela effect. Nonetheless, Broome believes that her shared memory isn’t actually false, and that she and others who remember a different past were actually in a parallel reality with a different timeline that somehow got crossed with our current one.

Regardless of what really happened, there’s no denying that shared false memories exist. Can neuroscience provide an alternative hypothesis for what’s really going on, without evoking quantum physics? There are several concepts that might explain something so strange. First, it’s important to remember that a memory is made up of a network of neurons in the brain that store the memory. The physical location of a memory in the brain is often called an ‘engram’ or ‘memory trace’. During consolidation, the memory trace is transferred from temporary sites such as the hippocampus to permanent storage sites in the prefrontal cortex.

Prior learning creates a framework for similar memories to be stored in close proximity to each other. This framework is known as a ‘schema’. One bit of evidence for this comes from a 2016 study on human semantic memory – long-term memories of ideas and concepts devoid of personal detail. To parse the terrain, researchers used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to show that similar words are stored in adjacent regions of the brain, and even created a ‘semantic map’ of language in the human cortex. Another recent study confirmed that shared memory traces are organized in similar ways from one individual to the next.

Although we might think of memories as being strengthened when recalled, the truth is actually more complex. Recalling a memory reactivates the neurons composing the memory trace, spurring them to form new connections. The altered circuitry then becomes stable again, and the memory is ‘reconsolidated’. Reconsolidation can reinforce learning over time by strengthening neural connections and allowing the formation of new associations.

Although it might be tempting to believe that the Mandela effect is evidence that parallel realities exist and in light of known cognitive phenomena that can give rise to shared false memories, it’s highly unlikely that some of us are actually from an alternative universe crossing timelines with the present one. Nonetheless, the Mandela effect is still a fascinating case study in the quirks of human memory. For those who love thinking about how the mind works, it is perhaps even an example of the truth being stranger than fiction.

But beyond that , the parallel universe that the current day technology is creating is poised to create a new timeline for the world and it would not be a false memory but a here and now world . At this moment, nearly half of the people on Earth — over three billion — are connected to the internet. It’s no secret that technology is dramatically transforming the world we live in creating newer timelines each moment . We’re witnessing the next industrial revolution, led by digital disruptors, generating a new set of dynamic trends. Are these digital Apps a new “semantic map” of language over and above that in the human cortex ? This revolution is facilitating convergences among our physical and digital worlds that would have been unimaginable only a few years ago. Who would have predicted five years ago that the fastest-growing taxi group in the world would own no taxis? Or that one of the largest hotel groups would own no hotels? Disruptors are shaking up the rules of business. They innovate rapidly and use their solutions to gain market share, growing much faster than organizations that continue to apply traditional business models. In order to continue competing in this ever-changing landscape, large organizations must find a way to develop new products and services and get them to market faster , in other words to create a new timeline of future . The ones that can will succeed and thrive. Those that can’t will be left behind. To meet these challenges, organizations need more than traditional research and development (R&D). They need an approach that encourages collaboration with innovative startups to create and build on new ideas breaking the barriers of parallel universes . They need to forge partnerships to drive mutually beneficial outcomes and move forward.

“Accelero” is one of the leading ways to spur faster and better creativity. It facilitates problem solving through an open flow of ideas, people and knowledge between the organization and its environment across the parallel universes of the worlds timeline .

To unlock the benefits of open innovation ACCELERO is here . Join now in the New World Timeline …………………..Reach out to the Future and Bring it Now and Here ……………………

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”

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